Friday, July 30, 2010

Body Combat Class

Well we ahd the first of our group fitness sessions this morning with Danny - the instructor from Les Mills. We took part in a 20 minute class and learnt and used some combat moves. Our next session is in 2 weeks time.
Hopefully there have been lots of people at home making use of the free 2 week les mills memberships that students brought home, these are a great way for us as a school to make some money for new sports equipment and for everyone to improve their health and fitness.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Term 3

Well term three is well under way with lots of great stuff planned. It has been great this week catching up with parents for interviews and discussing all of the great things students are doing and making plans to help with learning progression for the remainder of the year. Our big idea this term is "CHALLENGE" and we will be looking at the challenges faced by health organisations and ways in which we are able to improve our own personal health. Over the next few weeks we will be learing a lot about different body systems and how they work before including bones, muscles, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems and then leading into our changes at puberty lessons.

Assembly Award Week 11 Term 2 - Caleb McArley

Well done Caleb for receiving an award for yuor consistents efforts and hard work in class, a great attitude, keep it up.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well this term has been a busy one here at school. Students have worked hard in all areas and produced some great Science Fair Inquiry work. School reports are coming home today and these are followed up with interviews in week 1 next term. I hope everyone has a relaxing break and comes back refreshed for another term of learning in 2 weeks time!