Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lucy Bell - The day that it rained Jellybeans

Verse 1

The day that it rained jellybeans, no one will ever forget,
How they pinged and panged on the buildings,
Brightening up the sky with their rainbow colours,
The day that it rained jellybeans, no one will ever forget.

Verse 2
The day that it rained jellybeans, no one will ever forget,
How the children danced around in delight,
And gathered as much as they could carry,
But the roar of them all falling grew so deafening,
That everybody ran inside,
The day that it rained jellybeans, no one will ever forget.

Verse 3
The day that it rained jellybeans, no one will ever forget,
Watch how this dying granddad smiles a smile so fragile,
Watch how his weak hand closes over one of these precious pieces,
How he smiles so sweetly and closes his eyes,
Into an everlasting sleep,
How he will dream about the day it rained jellybeans,

A truly bizarre day indeed.

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